Wednesday, September 19, 2007

23 Things Assignment #1

... OR... "How to teach an old librarian new tricks!" Blogs, Wikis, RSS feeds, etc. Yahoo! It's too much fun.

Outlander by Gil Adamson

"Outlander" is a wonderful first novel by Canadian poet, turned prose writer, Gil Adamson. Although I'm not quite finished this one yet I would recommend it to anyone who likes a good chase novel. Set in the Canada's Rocky Mountains late in the 18th Century the novel it is full of rich characters..."The widow"- on the run after killing her husband, "The evil twins" - brothers who are chasing her, "The ridgerunner" - a wildman who saves her life and loves her and "The reverand" who saves it again! The author herself calls it a "Literary Western". She certainly knows how to make the reader feel right with the "widow" as she gets lostin the mountains, almost starves and is saved by the kindness of strangers. All the while her hunters get closer and closer.

We read. You read.

Hey! What should I read? What's good. Is this a good book? Can you suggest any good books.'s what people expect of Librarians after all. So here we go.....